Put it down. It is Heavy.
If your yesterday has been heavy and it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, what do you do...
What do you do with all of that, especially when the weight of your personal world holds you low.
It is heavy... put it down.
In order to do that we need to first recognize the burden, accept the burden, and know that we can get better with each step we take. But with each step we take, let’s think about
inviting others into our journeys, we do need people, we need skills, we need tools. Find for
yourself trusted spaces, where those who join you are invested in you and your wellbeing
and want you to be able to take the heavy and to lay it down. Sometimes it’s in conversations
where we hold space for each other we learn to realize what is needed to get better, or what is needed to allow growth. Through thoughtful, gentle guidance and shared conversations or even through guided journal prompts, we can sometimes see things clearly, or we can
recognize barriers and or misconceptions, things we may have not noticed before because of our own preconceptions or just misguided beliefs about ourselves and that heavy burden we carry.
There is so much value is shared safe spaces, it is an opportunity to allow emotions and those feelings triggered by the emotion to surface, and we can learn to release the weight of a heavy yesterday.